Move in and start trading sooner

Every delay in negotiating the terms of your commercial lease costs you money

We put the ease into leases

Everyone knows that time is money in business. Every delay in negotiating the terms costs you money. Aqqord is different. We don’t take sides, we just take less time than a solicitor and cost less money.

The traditional approach... negotiating the terms of a commercial lease will likely see negotiations between your solicitor and your landlord’s solicitor take weeks, if not months. And all the while, you have no premises from which to trade and make money.

The Aqqord approach...

...enables you to forget the frustrations and delays between solicitors. All those protracted legal negotiations have already happened, carried out by expert solicitors who’ve ensured that you, as a tenant, get a fair lease.

The result is a comprehensive legally binding, fully insured lease ready for you and your landlord to sign (digitally of course). It’s a process that takes minutes, not months.