Minimise voids and earn rental income immediately

When your commercial property becomes vacant, you want it filled quickly. Any delay loses you money

We put the ease into leases

The traditional approach to negotiating commercial leases takes time. Usually several weeks. Sometimes even months. Aqqord is different. We don’t take sides, we just enable you to move at your pace and at a fraction of the normal price.

The traditional approach

Your solicitor corresponds with the tenant’s solicitor. A change to a term here, an amendment or addition there and soon weeks, even months have passed. All the while your property remains vacant, losing you money.

The Aqqord approach

We change all this. You can use our leases to agree terms with your tenants in minutes, not months.

Aqqord doesn’t take sides. It just takes a lot less time (and money!) All the drawn-out legal negotiations have already been completed. And we’ve used highly experienced and respected solicitors to ensure that your interests as a landlord are protected in the terms of the agreement.

The terms are also fair to your tenant, encouraging both of you to sign, so you can start earning from your commercial premises immediately.