Technical questions

If you have any additional questions, contact us.

It takes moments to sign up to the platform. Heads of Terms can be negotiated in real time online – so these can be agreed in minutes. Any documents that are required can be easily uploaded to the platform. Once Heads of Terms have been agreed, the final documents are created in seconds.

Yes. The documents are based on precedents originally commissioned by the British Property Federation which have then been tailored by solicitors with decades of experience to ensure the final documents are accurate, robust and fair to both parties.

A solicitor acting on behalf of a tenant “negotiated” with another solicitor acting on behalf of a landlord. The outcome is a final document that has effectively been negotiated in the marketplace and will be acceptable to all parties.

All documents are stored on a secure server located in the UK and backed up off site on a regular basis. You can of course download them and store them with your other documents.

The final signed documents are sealed with a digital certificate that have LTV time stamps, are legally recognised in the United Kingdom, and are provided for in the Electronic Identification and Trust Services for Electronic Transactions Regulations in 2016, the Electronic Communications Act of 2000, and the Electronic Identification and Trust Services for Electronic Transactions (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (SI 2019/89). In addition, all documents that are signed and dated are accompanied with an audit trail detailing who did what, when and their IP address (if available).

Remember, if the landlord’s property is a leasehold property, the landlord’s own lease may require the landlord obtains consent from the freeholder to the grant of the Aqqord lease to the tenant and the landlord should request the consent from the freeholder as early as possible.

If SDLT is payable, Aqqord can make the submission to HMRC based on the agreed Heads of Terms.

The system will calculate the SDLT payable for your approval. You can pay the amount due directly to HMRC via a direct link which Aqqord will supply.

Leases granted for a term of 7 years or less do not need to be registered at Land Registry. Leases granted for longer than 7 years and leases granted more than three months before the lease term begins, are registrable at Land Registry by the tenant. You can register your lease with the Land Registry through the Aqqord platform and pay the amount due directly to Land Registry via a direct link which Aqqord will supply.